Pelvic Floor + Yoga (Vol. 2)
Heard of the pelvic floor before? Kegels, incontinence, pelvic pain? Unsure how this structure, along with the pelvis impact our day-to-day functional movements? Did you know urinary and bowel leakage or pelvic heaviness can be a sign of pelvic floor dysfunction? Join us for a workshop to learn to advocate and empower your health with incorporating things like breath work, yoga poses, and mindfulness can be fantastic tools to address these pelvic health issues.
What is the pelvic floor?
◦ The pelvic floor has 3 layers made up of multiple muscles, which intertwine. Its functions are the following: support for internal organs, stability as it is the bottom of our core canister, sex and intimacy by allowing us to participate and reach orgasm, bowel and bladder control, and sump/pump with our lymphatic system.
Relationship with the rest of the body
◦ The reality is that the pelvic floor is so centrally located in the body, it can be affected by a number of factors both above and below it. Everything is connected!
◦ Breath work is extremely important, regardless of what kind of pelvic floor dysfunction you may have going on. There is a strong connection between the pelvic floor and the diaphragm.
◦ Traumatic exposures or experiences are found to be associated with pelvic floor overactivity in women, with pelvic floor overactivity being more severe with greater trauma severity.
5 Top Myths
◦ A “tight and strong” pelvic floor is everyone’s goal and kegels are always the answer
◦ Leaking is expected after having a baby or aging
◦ Having a cesarean saves your pelvic floor
◦ If I have DRA (abdominal separation), I can’t do certain exercises ever again
◦ Intimacy won’t be the same after kids or following menopause
Quick Screen for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
1. Do you lack interest in sexual intimacy, or experience pain with insertive sex?
2. Do you have digestive irregularities (varying between loose & hard stool) or experience chronic constipation?
3. Do you empty your bladder frequently and/or have trouble emptying your bladder completely?
4. Do you have pain in your pelvis?